Crazy idea becomes reality...

Every once in awhile I like to shoot for me. In other words I coop up some crazy (or maybe not so crazy idea) of something I would love to do and then I go hunt down my brave model(s).  Its always fun to try something new or try something a little different then I normally shoot.  Some of you may have seen the band photos that we shot not too long ago. That was a blast and way outside the box for me.  This time this wasnt such a crazy idea. More of just a fun idea that I wanted to do.  We had taken some photos of my little Lily out Sauvie Island at the Bybee house for her 1 year photos. I had been dying to go back and embrace the location for a different type of session. I wanted a very vintage feel both with props and attire. A couple session since I mostly photograph kids so I wanted more of an engagement type session.  I found the PERFECT couple that I knew would embrace this concept without even blinking. And boy did they knock this one out of the park for me! Seriously. I could not have asked for a better session. The light was perfect, the couple rocked it and I really felt like I was on a movie set just hanging back capturing the scene in front of me. It was Magic. A huge thank you to Jesse & Katrina for modeling for us! You guys were AMAZING and I could not have pulled this off without you!  Here are just a VERY small selection of my favorites...