Baby Cavin!

This last weekend I traveled to Reno for a few sessions. One in particular was the birth of Cavin. I knew I was past his mom, Ciara's due date and the doctor promised he would not let her go past my date of departure. However the 5am monday morning appointment she had made would still have caused me to stay one day longer in Reno.  Now that WOULD have been fine...but I'm not going to lie...I had not seen my husband in over a week and was REALLY looking forward to coming home.  I am pretty sure Mr. Cavin must have know this.....because Ciara headed to the hospital Sunday night at 10pm!  I jumped for joy! Do you know how exciting it is to be on the "Call List".  I felt LOVED!  I realize I am Just the photographer....but I felt as Giddy as anyone that Cavin was on his way! Cavin was born a little after 5am and I got the text. Now Ciara knows better than to text me before 10am....BUT I requested ANYTIME!  I wanted to know how long I could sleep in :)  So I crawled out of bed at 8am....and headed to the hospital figuring 4 hours old was perfect for Cavin's first experience of ME! WHAT A DOLL!  Cavin was PERFECT! And the LOVE radiating from Mom and Dad made me all warm and fuzzy. I was so honored to be there to share in their love and joy.  It is moments like these that make me realize how much my job means to me. I put a sneak peek up on facebook yesterday and Ciara texted me that she was S O B B I N G!  Isnt that the BEST compliment?  Maybe not if you were in a different profession like serving food. If someone is sobbing that might be bad news for you.  But to me that is a HUGE compliment. It means I did what it was I needed to.

I know this is a long post but I had lots to say! So if you read all of this...thank you!  I would like to end by saying THANK YOU to Josh and Ciara for making the most precious little man! And for letting me share the moment with you at the hospital!  You guys are wonderful and I can not wait to share/watch as your little man grows!  Hugs to all 3 of you!  See you again...SOON!

Here is a couple of my favorite images...Followed by a slideshow of all of the images with Video Clips :) Enjoy!