
Dan and I have been having fun taking a few photos as we lead up to the wedding on Sunday. I wanted to share a few of them. First here is a couple shots of the resort we are staying in...

I of course have been playing volleyball everday for as many hours as possible.  Beach Volleyball is a lot harder then court...but its a great workout and a blast! Here is a couple shots of Josh (the groom), Ronnie (friend of the groom) and I playing some ball.

Stay tuned for a shot of the bride in groom in this awesome lifeguard stand...

Dan shot this beautiful shot of the sun peaking through the clouds...

Josh (the groom) with his new Hat!

There are lots of little creatures around the resort.  One in particular is the peacocks.  There are a few wondering around.  I have not got a shot with the feathers up "yet".  Hopefully we will get a shot before we leave.  Here is a couple I was able to get so far...

My BlissWhitney Harlacher