Getting back to the Blog...

I have been working on updating a few things on this blog as I realized that my intro was about 3 years old. Whoops.  So with a wave of the wand all is fixed (well and a few hours of beating my computer with a stick).  Plus I have been playing around a bit with the header and such as well.  We will see how much more I can do in my "free" time.  I have been feeling like facebook has really started to take over. As I mention in my updated intro (above) its instant gratification and quick to just post something up on facebook. Plus its a good way for my clients to share their images as well.  But what I lose with facebook is the one on one...the chatter...the What I Loved about my client and session. I want to be able to share more as I think knowing me and what I do is a big part of hiring Bliss Studio. Im not just a slap a few photos up kind of girl. I am helping create something a little more....and with that I enjoy sharing.  I am vowing to get back to blogging more and hopefully there is still a few of you who blog stalk and are looking for something more than just facebook. OR you may not be on facebook so the blog is perfect for you! It will be a good rest of the year of hang in there with me! Dont forget you are always welcome to leave a little blog love (as in comment!). That is how I know there are still a few of you who still check out the blog!


My BlissWhitney Harlacher