April Special!

We have a new product that we are going to offer that I am really excited about.  This is going to be "Real Life" sessions. These sessions will be in your home and will capture your child in their Real Life.  This could include getting them sleeping or at least in their own bedroom, 1 activity (could be a sport, baking cookies, bath time or something else depending on the age of the child). We will have a pre-consulation to chat about ideas on what we are looking for.  In these sessions we will be including a 20 page coffee table book. This is the part I am most excited about. I LOVE desiging albums and am looking forward to some Real Life sessions to design. If this is something you have been waiting for give me a call or send me an email so we can chat about your session! For April....

These sessions are going to be $999 which will include the session and the album. The April special will only be $699!  This is a big savings!  I will give this discount to the first 3 people who contact me. I need some samples and I am looking for some special kids and a variety of ages.

Reno clients...My plan is to come to Reno the end of the month so you can take part in this special. I will be limiting my Reno Real Life Sessions to two discounted sessions this month.

I hope to hear from some of you soon!